healthy penis enlargement and surgery to enlarge penis size

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all about healthy penis enlargement surgery and alternatives

chirurgie d'agrandissement du pénis


Penis enlargement surgery



Penis size is at the centre of men worries since a thousand years. It is true that having a small penis size, from 6 to 8 centimetres, that is to say a micropenis, can be quite problematic and can be difficult to live with, above all when the average penis size is 10 to 11 centimetres.

Normally, a small penis size could not change your sex life since feelings are still the same for man unless the size of the penis unable intercourse. Psychologically, a small penis size becomes a problem when you are about the have sex. Indeed, fear, shame and other complexes are really hard to come to terms with, even more if your sex partner doesn’t show itself understanding.

One of the solutions to penis size is to use penis enlargement surgery, also know as penoplasty or phalloplasty, which consists in increasing the girth and length of the penis.

It is important to point out that this kind of surgery is not a treatment to impotence and it has no results on sexual performances.

the surgery

The surgery only needs one day of hospitalization, and it is practised on general anaesthesia thus it is a high risk medical intervention.
There are two different techniques to increase the penis size of a few centimetres, but results are not guaranteed.

  1. 1. The first technique consists in having grease injection in the penis shaft. This grease is taken from the patient via lipo-aspiration and then injected between the skin and penis cavities. This surgery enables penis enlargement both in girth and length.

WARNING: results of this surgery are only visible when the penis is in flaccidity state, not in erection. When erected, the penis size will still the same than before the surgery since penis size in flaccidity and in erection are not linked together.

  1. 2. The second penis enlargement surgery consists in doing an incision in the pelvic part and to cut ligaments that sustain the penis. The penis is no longer close to the abdomen when erected, and its size increase in a few centimetres.


The post-surgery period is often marked with the apparition of ecchymosis and a small grease resorption when the bruises disappear. Then the final penis enlargement result is only visible a few weeks after the surgery.
In the case of penis enlargement surgery using ligament incision, the definitive size of the penis will be visible a few weeks later, after tissue retraction due to the scar healing. Though, there is a solution to prevent from scar tissue retraction...

In order to enable the grease to take is place in the penis shaft (first technique) and to heal the scar of the incision (second technique), you must take a anti-erection treatment for a month, so no sex for you if you chose these two options.


Surgery efficacy for penis enlargement is difficult to confirm since this method is quite new. Indeed, surgeons need more time to tell about its efficacy.

By the way, this intervention enables penis enlargement both in girth and in length or only in length, depending on the type of surgery chosen. Results are of only tow centimetres for a maximum risk and at an extremely high cost, surgical intervention from 3,800 € to 6,000 € depending on the country and on the surgeon.

WARNING: it is important to know that only a few surgeons in the world really mastered in the field of penis enlargement surgery, so results can be dramatic. Before taking any decision, go see the maximum of surgeon you can. This decision is to be taken very seriously.

Check now alternatives to penis enlargement surgery : penis stretcher penis extender ! For a *permanent penis enlargement*.


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